Saturday, January 01, 2005

New Year's Goals

Well, another year has come around and it is time for me to take charge of my life and steer it down the right path. I figure by writing out my goals down and making them concrete I'll be more likely to follow through. Here goes

Approach every class from a 'teach yourself' perspective. Look up alternate materials, review notes asap after class, make sure I maintain a solid understanding of the core concepts and any necessary mathematics.
Put in as much time as is necessary to make sure that I'm ready for qualifiers by the end of the semester.
Find an advisor. Ideally the professor doing solar cell research. I need the money and the experience.
Also, finish reading the Feynman lectures. Try to average a chapter a day.

Continue my daily martial arts regimen. I've been doing this for about a week. Sooner or later it'll end up on here. Probably some time this week.
Try and work out a weekly training routine with Master Wang, my current teacher. Ideally get into shape so I can compete in either Baltimore or Akron at the end of the year in forms, push hands and sparring.

Call my parents more. They worry about me and I miss them. I learned from my mother's cancer scare that it's impossible to predict how long they'll be around.
Pay more attention to people I care about. For some reason, I tend to take the people I care about for granted. Not out of malice, but becase I assume they'll always be there. They deserve a higher priority. Bu the end of this week, I'll be caught up on all the phone calls and emails I've been putting off.
Return to the version of me that couldn't care less about whether or not people like me. I'm happier and more genuine when I'm free to say what I'm thinking and not worry about other people's expectations. Plus I get more women.
Speaking of women. I need to start dating again. As soon as qualifiers are over I have some calls to make.

Recognise the worth of every moment

This seems loke a long list but a lot of the things on there are actually connected. Basically, if I treat myself and my family with the respect they deserve, the rest will fall into place.


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